Channing School
Ever since its foundation in 1885, Channing has been known as a happy and successful community. Our individual approach gives pupils both security and a sense of their own significance: we recognise all achievements, of whatever nature, and hope each girl here knows she is valued as an individual.
Awarded ‘Excellent’ in all areas inspected by ISI in 2022, Channing School is summed up by its vision, ‘Girls Enjoying Success’.
Girls at Channing enjoy academic success from a tailored educational programme that encourages confidence, independent thinking and provides girls with life skills to take on the next stage of their education as thoughtful, responsive, socially aware adults, prepared for the challenges of the world today.
Founded in 1885 by Unitarian sisters Emily and Matilda Sharpe, supported by Reverend Robert Spears, Channing School, named after notable American Unitarian William Ellery Channing, has been known as a successful, happy community. Remaining true to our Unitarian foundation, the School is an inclusive community that values the individual skills, spiritual beliefs, achievements and contribution
Current vacancies at Channing School

Head of Early Years & KS1
Head of Early Years & Key Stage 1 We are seeking an experienced and enthusiastic Head of Early Years and Key Stage 1 (HoEY&KS1).