Jobs Aware

Pressburst is a Partner of JobsAware, a brand of SAFERJobs. As an organisation we support their efforts to stamp out job scams and labour market abuses. JobsAware provides free advice and help to anyone who thinks that they might have been the victim of a job scam or unfair working practices. They work with the UK Government, labour market enforcement agency and other partners to help workers resolve issues.

By partnering with JobsAware, and adopting their partner principles, we can help ensure that every worker has access to that help and advice, as well as meeting our obligations under the Modern Slavery Regulations and ensuring that we have a compliant supply chain.

To stay safe in your job search and flexible work, we recommend that you visit JobsAware, a non-profit, joint industry and law enforcement organisation working to combat labour market abuse. Visit the JobsAware website for information and to get free, expert advice for safer work.

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