Buckingham Preparatory School

Buckingham Preparatory School is fully committed to whole child education. We ensure each boy leaves us with the social and moral life skills required to make them thoughtful and valued members of the wider community.We promote teamwork, sportsmanship and commitment.

'Together we nurture, we inspire, we acheive'

Buckingham Preparatory School is a selective, independent school for boys aged 3 - 11years.

Our school has a pastoral care system second to none. With a maximum limit of 18 pupils per class this ensures every child will receive the individual attention and focus they need to succeed. We tailor our curriculum to best suit each child’s personality and needs.

Our emphasis on the individual extends to all aspect of our school life and community. We have a breadth of experience that respects and encourages the wide range of religious beliefs and dietary variations within the school to exist both in their own right, and encompassed within the broader school community. School meals are prepared freshly every day on the premises. School trips and after school clubs are a very much part of our pupils learning journey. We believe that school life is not simply 8.30 till 4 but part of a wider learning e

Current vacancies at Buckingham Preparatory School

Buckingham Preparatory School Buckingham Preparatory School Logo

Assistant Caretaker

Assistant Caretaker required to help with premises and grounds management, maintenance, health & safety and security around the whole school site. Driving and basic maintenance of school minibuses. Manual/DIY skills and ability to work using your own initiative an advantage. Full driving licence essential. You will be a practical, enthusiastic and well-motivated individual who is prepared to meet the demands of maintaining a clean and healthy school.

Support Staff