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Senior LeadershipHead Head of Department Head of Year Director of Studies Senior Leadership Team Bursar GovernorTeachingTeacher Early Years Specialist SEN Specialist Sports Specialist Early Career Teachers (ECT) Teacher Training (incl SCITT) Teaching AssistantAdministrationAdministration Admissions/Registrar Marketing/CommunicationsSupportSupport Staff Boarding Staff School Nurse/Matron
Concord College
Concord College is England’s premier international co-educational boarding school set in the heart of the Shropshire countryside with more than 570 students aged 13-19. Historic buildings sit alongside our state-of-the-art facilities which include areas providing extra-curricular activities, sport and recreation. With over 40 nationalities represented amongst our students, we enjoy a wonderfully diverse environment with a strong community feel and decency, trust and respect at our core
Current vacancies at Concord College

Concord College

Head of Learning Support
We wish to appoint a well-qualified, committed and innovative Head of Learning Support from September 2025.
SEN Specialist
- Full-time
- Shropshire
- 20 Mar