Clarendon Cottage Preparatory School

Clarendon Cottage is an outstanding, co-educational school for children aged 2-11. We are a caring, friendly family-orientated environment, with small class sizes to ensure all children, of all ages and backgrounds achieve their potential. We ensure children are stimulated, and eager to learn by delivering a broad, balanced and challenging curriculum. Before/ After School and Holiday care and a wide range of activities provided. Clarendon Cottage is an outstanding, co-educational school for children aged 2-11. We are a caring, friendly family-orientated environment, with small class sizes to ensure all children, of all ages and backgrounds achieve their potential. We ensure children are stimulated, and eager to learn by delivering a broad, balanced and challenging curriculum. Before/ After School and Holiday care and a wide range of activities provided.

Current vacancies at Clarendon Cottage Preparatory School

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