Ackworth School

Ackworth School’s purpose is to create a happy and secure environment in which all pupils realise and develop their own special abilities in constant awareness of the needs and claims of others.

  • To develop a well integrated and self-disciplined community, with an international dimension, in which the values of Quakers are seen to underpin the school.
  • To help all pupils to progress at a pace appropriate to their age, aptitude, interests and ability, to achieve the best external examination results of which they are capable and to leave school equipped to lead a full and responsible life in the adult world.
  • To provide, and encourage the use of, the widest possible range of opportunities, e.g. sporting, creative and recreational, outside the formal curriculum.
  • To help pupils to grow in self-respect and to appreciate and enjoy the benefits of good health.
  • To encourage pupils to consider others before self, to look for the good in people and to be honest and trustworthy at all times.
  • To encourage service to others within and beyond school.
  • To provide, in conjunction with parents and guardians, care and support for pupils as they develop and mature.
  • To help pupils to value their fine surroundings and the work of those who maintain them and to extend their appreciation to an understanding of wider environmental issues.

Current vacancies at Ackworth School

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