St Swithun's School

St Swithun's School, Winchester is set on an impressive and attractive campus of 45 acres overlooking open countryside, and offers girls exceptional teaching, sporting and recreational facilities. The school offers day, weekly boarding and full boarding options for 509 girls aged 11-18. Situated only 50 minutes from London by train enables London based families the flexibility of a country based boarding or weekly boarding school for their daughters within easy reach of home. There is an adjoining Prep School for 200 pupils with girls aged 4-11 and a co-ed nursery.

From the Headmistress:

St Swithun’s is an all girls' school and many of our parents choose us because they believe in the benefits that this brings. As you may well be aware, St. Swithun's has a reputation as a school with a high level of academic achievement. This is true, but it can also give the false impression that we select only the most academic girls and focus on the academic to the exclusion of all else. While our pupils are all of above average intelligence, they are by no means an academic elite and we aim to help every girl to achieve her full potential across the board in a sensible and sensitive manner. Academic success is undeniably important, but it is only one facet of the rounded education that young people need to equip them for a successful and fulfilled adult life. A parent in a Good School's Guide said: "Girls go in here and with no particular song and dance seem to come out with incredible A-level results". They also, I believe, emerge as well-balanced, rounded individuals, confident in their own strengths and talents and ready to contribute to society in their adult lives.

Should you wish to visit St Swithun’s, please either e-mail us or telephone my PA, Mrs Rachel Nicholls, on 01962 835701. I should be delighted to meet you and to arrange for one of our sixth form girls to show you around the School.

Alternatively, if you require any further information before arranging an appointment, please contact the registrar, Mrs Kate Cairns, on 01962 835700.

Ms J Gandee

Current vacancies at St Swithun's School

There are currently no job vacancies at this school.
