The Portsmouth Grammar School
At The Portsmouth Grammar School we have a proud history of delivering an outstanding education to our pupils for nearly 300 years. The secret to our success has always been to look forwards. Our outward looking and contemporary approach means that we are able to constantly innovate and develop our provision to ensure that pupils thrive when.
We wish the members of our community to be both happy and successful, and our purpose as a school is to offer an outstanding education that prepares each individual to lead a fulfilled and purposeful life. The Main Archway is symbolic of our inclusivity as a school community and our desire to expand horizons:
‘All experience is an arch wherethrough
Gleams that untraveled world’, Tennyson
In the spirit of our founder, Dr William Smith, we encourage our pupils to think not only about where they will be at 18 but where they aspire to be at 25. Portsmouth is, after all, a city concerned with destinations.
Current vacancies at The Portsmouth Grammar School
There are currently no job vacancies at this school.