Coworth Flexlands School
Coworth Flexlands School is an independent prep school & nursery offering high-quality education for girls to age 11 and boys to age 7.
Our pupils have specialist teaching across a broad spectrum right from nursery upwards. Set in beautiful grounds between Chobham, Windlesham and Sunningdale, the school is ideally located to provide our students with a stimulating environment to develop their skills and abilities. Our two forest school practitioners and outdoor classroom set in the woods enable the children to have a real hands-on learning experience.
Coworth Flexlands is renowned for academic excellence. The girls move on to top senior schools in the UK, with many gaining scholarships each year. Our boys head off to local boys prep school well prepared for their new challenges.
Our foremost priority is to provide a secure and happy school life enabling our pupils to obtain skills to achieve heights in every discipline. This success is a result of our philosophy that all pupils deserve the best and so are given high quality, specialist teaching in small class sizes across a broad curriculum. Unusually for a primary school specialist teaching starts in Nursery with music, ICT and PE. French is added in Reception and science and drama from Year 1.
Our core academic curriculum is extended with Forest School investigations in our woodland areas time-tabled from Nursery to Year 6. Every child has weekly music, drama, reasoning and art and design lessons in addition to a broad sports programme with the opportunity to take part in competitive games from age 7 years. Coupled with an extensive extra-curricular and clubs programme, trips and visits and a school production for every child every year, this enables each one of our pupils to find an area in which they may shine.
The school offers the convenience of optional wrap-around care and clubs for busy parents from 7.30am - 6pm and a wide range of on-site holiday activities.
We warmly invite you for a tour of Coworth Flexlands School. Please contact our Registrar to arrange a visit or come to one of our termly open mornings.
“Coworth Flexlands School is successful in meeting its aims and this is reflected in the excellent achievements of its pupils” – ISI Inspection Report October 2014
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